I know that right now it can feel very isolating and lonely. Have you felt overwhelmed lately with everything that is going on? I know there have been times in the past couple of weeks that I have felt angry, scared, or overwhelmed. I have noticed that I feel better when I am helping someone else. Lately, I have been making a lot of videos helping people with movements and stretches they can do at home if they are experiencing neck pain, back pain, or headaches. People have emailed me and said they have been really helpful. Have you found that you feel better when you help other people?
Table of Contents
ToggleWhat is really important in life?
I have been reflecting on the past couple of years and thinking about what makes me feel good. One thing that kept coming up is the group I belong to called 100 women who care. This is a group of women who meet 4 times a year and gives over $10,000 each meeting to a local Boulder County non-profit organization. Every time I leave the meeting I feel great. It is awesome to connect with the women in the group and to hear about what the previous recipient did with the money we donated the quarter before.
Let me tell you a little bit about the group and how it started. Aug 2013 A woman named Cheryl Craig decided to start this amazing group. She had been to another group in a different state and wanted to bring the same concept to Boulder county.
Here is how everything works:
Members in good standing may write the name of a Boulder County charity that needs our support on a piece of paper. Drop it in the fishbowl. We randomly draw three and if your charity is selected, you will give a 5-minute presentation to the group as to why this charity needs our support. Only three charities are drawn to present at each meeting.
We will vote to select one of the charities that were presented. The charity with the most votes will get the full donation for that quarter’s meeting!
Bring a blank check. You will write your $100 donation directly to the winning charity (so you’ll have a tax receipt). All checks will be collected at the close of the meeting.
All contributions will go to local Boulder County non-profits. The idea is to keep it local and have an impact that WE can SEE in our communities. We currently have 155 members are actively seeking to grow to 200 members by the end of 2020!
Here are the reasons that I especially love 100 women who care organization.
- Cheryl runs the meetings on time and to the point
This is important to me because I value my time and I have been to a lot of non-profit groups who don’t really respect time of the contributors
- We give to local non-profit organizations only
I think helping your local community is the most important thing you can do. I want to see the impact in the community I work and live in. I want to know the people who work for the non-profits and the volunteers that help in my community.
- Big impact
Now the group has grown over 155 women so the money is over $15,000 in one hour that is raised. Most of the nonprofits we work with don’t receive much or any federal financial support, so $15,000 helps them make immediate change and improvement with their organization.
- Connection with amazing other women in my community
Since I have been a member since 2017 I have met some of the most amazing women in Boulder county. I also run into women that I already know that I am good friends with. Almost every meeting I find myself seeing someone I know and saying “I didn’t know you were a member!” Most of the time they say they have known about the group and decided that they had to check it out.
Does this sound like something you want to be a part of? If so, it is super easy to join. All you have to do is come to the next meeting as a guest. You are not obligated to donate the first meeting, but can if you want. If you like what you see, then sign up! Pretty simple right?
If you want to know more about the group go to: http://www.100womenwhocare.net/
About Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder
At Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder we are not only concerned about your symptoms, but also you as a person and what is important to you. We know that not everyone’s the same and not everyone has the same goals. It is important to us that we present a chiropractic care plan that works for you and is tailored to you and your health concerns.
We’re a specialty Boulder Chiropractor focused on back pain, neck pain, vertigo, and migraine headaches. Our patients visit our Boulder office from all over Northern Colorado, including, Longmont, Erie, Superior, Lafayette, Niwot, Louisville, Broomfield, and Denver, Colorado.
Contact Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder today to schedule a free evaluation. Specialized upper cervical chiropractic care is by no means a “hail Mary” solution, but if you haven’t yet seen Dr. Bremner, you’re nowhere close to running out of options.

Schedule your FREE 15 minute consultation with Atlas Chiropractic
At Atlas Chiropractic, our Greater Boulder area chiropractors specialize in providing relief for individuals experiencing back, neck, or shoulder pain, as well as those dealing with headaches or vertigo. We offer specialized chiropractic care and tailored spinal adjustments, along with expert opinions and advice.