We are your go to Boulder chiropractor. At Atlas Chiropractic our doctors will listen to you.

We know that doctors can be dismissive and don’t take the time to understand how your case is unique. We are different. If you have seen our google reviews the most common posts are about how we listen and take care of every one individually. Our office is a place of healing and relaxation. For some people, it is the only time in their day where they are being taken care of and have a chance to “just breathe.”

We also offer a risk-free 15 min consultation with one of our doctors to make sure our office is the right fit. We will let you know if we can help you and if not we promise to find an office that can. Your health and wellbeing are our first priority. We will be with you every step of the way. This is why many people say we are the best chiropractors in Boulder.

Headache & Migraine Treatment

Discover relief from headaches and migraines with Atlas Chiropractic. Expert care from Dr. Alison and Dr. Lindsey…

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Vertigo & Dizziness Treatment

Vertigo can disrupt your life, causing nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Atlas Chiropractic servicing the Greater…

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Auto Injury Treatment

Discover effective relief for whiplash injuries post-car accidents at Atlas Chiropractic in the Greater Boulder area,…

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World-Class Chiropractic Care at Atlas Chiropractic

As a trusted Boulder Chiropractic Clinic, we understand that every individual’s needs are unique, which is why we tailor our treatments to suit your specific requirements. Say goodbye to persistent pain and hello to improved overall health, all thanks to the expertise of our skilled Boulder Chiropractors. Our doctors, Dr. Alison Bremner and Dr. Lindsey Rimes specialize in finding solutions and helping their patients improve overall health. Book your Chiropractic appointment, today!

Both Dr. Bremner and Dr. Rimes have additional training above and beyond a standard chiropractor. This makes them experts in treating neck pain, vertigo, and headaches.

Discover the Holistic Healing Power of Atlas Chiropractic: Beyond Pain Relief in Boulder

Many times when people seek out a Chiropractor in Boulder, they come in because they are having some sort of pain that is impacting their life. That can be neck pain, back pain, headaches, migraines, or even vertigo. But what you may not consider is that chiropractic is about so much more than just treating symptoms.

The philosophy behind chiropractic is to help the overall function of the body and the nervous system. When the spine has proper movement, the nervous system can function better. There is a connection between the movement of the spine and the firing of nerves to the brain.

What does it look like to work with Atlas Chiropractic?

The first step to working with one of our chiropractic doctors in our Boulder office is to have consultation to make sure you are a good fit for what we do. This consultation will also give you the opportunity to see the space, meet the staff, and ask any questions you may have directly to the doctor. This consultation is completely complementary and can be done in person or over the phone.

Once we have established that you are a good fit for the office, we will set up an initial appointment to assess what the best treatment options will be. We will take an in depth history, perform orthopedic tests, and take infrared thermography scans to see how your nervous system is functioning. If we determine that x rays are needed, we can take those in house at your first appointment as well.

At your next appointment, we will go over all of your test results with you and show you how your x-rays and thermography impact your health. We will also always answer any questions and concerns that you may have before we start your care. After we have all the information we need to determine what needs to be done, we can suggest a tailored treatment program for you. Not every person is the same and we want to make sure you are getting the most specific care for you. That is why we emphasize x-rays and very specific chiropractic adjustments. Once we start your care, you will be on your way to a healthier and better functioning life.

Philosophy Behind Chiropractic Care

Unlike other health care options, chiropractic aims at restoring your function rather than just treating your symptoms. The role of a chiropractor is to restore motion in your spine by giving you adjustments at the location of “stuck joints”. When your spine is moving freely, you will have the correct firing nerves into the brain. When this happens, your body is able to heal and your symptoms naturally start to go away. The main goal of a chiropractor is to get your body to function at the most optimal level and improve your ability to adapt to stressors. This is why chiropractic care is a long lasting solution that gets to the root cause of your issues. Rather than a band-aid or a short term relief, chiropractic adjustments can resolve your symptoms for good.

Chiropractic Care is a Safe and Effective Treatment

Many people are nervous about getting adjusted when they first come in. You may have seen videos on Tik Tok or Youtube that make you nervous. Rest assured, the adjustments we offer at our Boulder office is very specific and unique. There is no aggressive twisting or cracking. Because of our unique adjustments, this type of chiropractic is very safe and effective for resolving many conditions including back pain, neck pain, headaches and vertigo.

A recent research paper in new Zealand found

“Chiropractic care has been shown to be effective and it is associated with high levels of patient satisfaction. A number of studies have reported that chiropractic care is at least as effective as, if not more effective than, traditional medical management for many spine related injuries. Chiropractic care also has an enviable safety record compared to most other healthcare interventions.”

What people are saying about Atlas Chiropractic

“Dr Alison has restored my faith in the wondrous healing of chiropractic care and investing in the heath of my spine. After years of neglecting my neck and lower back issues due to traumatic experiences with previous shady and aggressive practitioners at other local chiropractic centers, my symptoms were acute and needing immediate attention. Thankfully I found Dr Alison who offers a whole person, more gentle yet highly effective approach and my symptoms were lessened immediately and continue to improve with every visit. I highly recommend Atlas Chiropractic!” -Kerri

Over the past 15 years we have helped hundreds of people heal from neck pain, back pain, vertigo, and headaches. Many people were even very skeptical in the beginning, but after they saw how our office runs, they were thrilled with their care and progress. If you look us up on Google, you’ll see that we have over 380 five-star reviews. Wow! People just love our office and that’s because of the top notch service that we provide and the high-quality care that get people feeling better.

One of the biggest comments we get from our patients is “you guys actually listen to me”. It’s such a compliment to feel trusted by our community. Unfortunately many people are dismissed with their health issues and are told there is nothing that can be done, or that they are doomed to live with their symptoms forever. That’s simply not true. In our office we take the time to listen to your story and explain in detail how we can help. After people sit down with one of our doctors to go over their test results, usually people say “wow, that makes a lot of sense, why didn’t anyone tell me that before?” The biggest difference in our office is we do not chase symptoms. We restore function and get to the root of the issue so that you can live your best life.

Growing Popularity of Chiropractic Care

More and more people are choosing chiropractic as a solution for their health issues. People are growing tired of being given medication to merely cover up their symptoms rather than correcting the root issue. Many times people are told they are just going to have to live with neck pain, back pain, or headaches. That is simply not true. In fact your body has the ability to heal itself when you restore proper function.

The body’s nervous system is the master system that coordinates the function of EVERY OTHER SYSTEM OF THE BODY. If the nervous system is not free to send and receive nerve impulses (messages) throughout the body because of interference, the body will not function normally and chronic health problems are the long term result.

Atlas Chiropractic Specializes in Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Most people are unaware that chiropractors can specialize in different parts of the body and in different demographics. Here at Atlas Chiropractic we specialize in the top two bones in the spine, called the atlas and axis. This area of the spine has the most influence on the brain. The reason why we get such great results is because we are so focused on how your brain is functioning!

All pain is perceived in your brain. When your spine is not moving properly, you get constant pain signals to your brain to tell you something is wrong. Instead of just chasing this pain with different modalities, we strive to regain proper movement in your spine which therefore tells your body to stop sending these pain signals. This is why upper cervical chiropractic is a long lasting solution. All we do is allow your body to heal itself!

Experience our serene and soothing environment, where our expert team of chiropractors attends to individuals in search of relief from vertigo, neck pain, or hedaches, as well as those grappling with migraines or chronic pain. We offer specialized chiropractic treatments and personalized spinal adjustments to address your needs.