Relief For Vertigo Boulder
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ToggleIf you are looking for relief of your vertigo symptoms in Boulder, Colorado, you may feel confused and frustrated about finding some answers. Unfortunately, most people feeling vertigo and dizziness have gone to doctors and ENT’s and walk out with very little answers. That’s because most of the medical establishment is looking for a pathology and a lot of times people suffering from vertigo don’t have a pathology that can be found in blood work or on an MRI or CT scan. Sometimes people try Physical Therapists who specialize in vestibular rehabilitation, but that only helps a little bit or for a short while. If you think you had vertigo and want help schedule a free consultation.
Most people are unaware that vertigo can be caused by a problem with the biomechanics in your upper neck. This is the most overlooked area in the body and can have a big effect on your overall health. This area is basically your master control center and if it is not functioning properly, dizziness can be a big symptom.
Vertigo has the potential to negatively affect your everyday life. It can even cause you to take time off work, cancel vacations, and miss out on the things that you enjoy. Many of our patients that we see in the office complain that not only are they struggling with the symptoms of vertigo, but also with the anxiety of when their next vertigo attack is going to come. Living every day in fear can actually make your symptoms worse.
The good news is there is hope to have relief from vertigo and dizziness, even if you feel like you’ve tried everything already. Most likely you’ve never had the upper part of your neck evaluated to see how that influences sensory input into your brain. Often times, this is the answer you have been looking for.
Vertigo In Boulder CO
Let me tell you about one of our patients named Kelly. Kelly is a mom of two and one day she woke up with debilitating dizziness and vertigo. At first, it just came on occasionally and she took some over-the-counter medicine to help. That took away the symptoms for a little bit but eventually the medication stopped working. As her episodes got worse, she felt that she needed to find some outside help. The first thing she did was go to an ENT. She had heard that vertigo could be caused by your inner ear, so she thought it would be smart to get her ears checked out to see if there were any sort of crystals or something going on with her eyes or ears. All of her tests came back negative. Kelly was very frustrated because she didn’t know what to do. She felt like she had tried everything. One night, her symptoms were more intense than normal so she started searching the Internet to try to find another solution. Luckily she found our website on the Internet while searching for “vertigo treatment near me.” She read the articles that we had written about patients that we’ve had in the past dealing with vertigo and how they got better. She watched some of the videos of different patient testimonials, and the women in the videos had the same issues that she had and were suffering from the same problem she was! Then she looked at our Google reviews and saw we have helped hundreds of people over the past 15 years that have been suffering from vertigo. She decided that she was going to have to make a decision for her own health and sent a request to us for an appointment.
Getting Treatment At Atlas Chiropractic
First thing our doctors did was give Kelly a call to discuss her case. Kelly was shocked that one of the doctors actually personally called her to discuss her case and her issues with vertigo. What our office does better than any other medical office is that we actually listen to you. We had a 15 minute consultation where Kelly was able to ask all of her questions she had about chiropractic care and then decided to make an appointment to get her initial testing.
When Kelly came into the office, she was a little skeptical about how upper cervical chiropractic care was going to fix her vertigo, but as she went through the initial exam, history, consultation, orthopedic test and specialized x-rays, she became more at ease. This was the first time that a doctor had ever really listened to her and did an in-depth look into her health! After all the tests were done, including infrared thermography, Kelly made her follow-up appointment for her report the following day. During her report she was able to ask any questions that she had about care and was able to see the x-rays and the issue that was causing her vertigo. Kellie said what most patients say “wow that just makes a whole lot of sense” and “why didn’t anyone tell me this before?” We explained that this area of the body is the most overlooked and usually has some of the biggest impact on your health.
Once Kelly had her first adjustment, she was put into our zero-gravity chairs in the nap room and rested for 20 minutes. When she was done resting, she felt some relief from her vertigo. Everything had not resolved, but she did feel that she was going in the right direction and was very optimistic about care. Kelly was consistent with her care plan that the doctors had laid out for her and was getting better every week until eventually, her vertigo was completely gone! Once she was feeling better, she was only coming into the office once a month for maintenance and to have check ups. This process of care took some time for her to heal and get better but it was a long lasting solution and now she’s symptom-free and able to go to work and not have to live in fear that she’s going to have another vertigo attack.
Does this story sound familiar to you? Have you been suffering from vertigo and feel like there’s no solution? I can promise you that there is another solution and it will take just one phone call speaking with one of our expert doctors that you will be convinced that there is a solution to your vertigo. There is no reason to suffer any longer. Please give us a call at Atlas chiropractic of Boulder 303-442-5911. Our chiropractic clinic in Boulder, CO has had great success helping patients find relief from their vertigo.

Schedule your FREE 15 minute consultation with Atlas Chiropractic
At Atlas Chiropractic, our Greater Boulder area chiropractors specialize in providing relief for individuals experiencing back, neck, or shoulder pain, as well as those dealing with headaches or vertigo. We offer specialized chiropractic care and tailored spinal adjustments, along with expert opinions and advice.
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