Holistic Chiropractor In Boulder

There are so many chiropractors in Boulder. How do you make the right decision? You need to make sure that the chiropractor that you’re seeing aligns with what you want for your health. If you want a doctor to look at the body as a whole instead of just chasing symptoms, you most likely want a holistic chiropractor.

What is a holistic Chiropractor?

A holistic chiropractor is simply a doctor who is going to look at how the body functions as a whole. At Atlas Chiropractic we specialize in an approach known as upper cervical chiropractic. We focus on the top two bones in the neck, the atlas and axis. An Atlas misalignment can interfere with the way the body functions. This area is much like a circuit breaker in your house. If the power source is off, it affects many rooms in your home. If you have an atlas subluxation, many systems in your body can be affected and can lead to symptoms like headaches, neck pain, vertigo, migraines, brain fog, sleep issues and anxiety.

A Holistic approach is becoming more popular

There has been more and more of a demand for people wanting to utilize an alternative to medical intervention. People are sick of taking drugs and being told that there is nothing that can be done. Researchers utilized data from the 2002, 2012, and 2022 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) to evaluate changes in the use of seven complementary health approaches, including yoga, meditation, massage therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, naturopathy, and guided imagery/progressive muscle relaxation.The percentage of individuals who reported using at least one of the seven approaches increased from 19.2% in 2002 to 36.7% in 2022.

Atlas Chiropractic

What makes our Chiropractic office different?

We are not a Boulder chiropractic office that simply sells adjustments and frequent visits. We are not set up like an assembly line for quick, in-and-out adjustments and chiropractic services. Our doctors listen to you and figure out a treatment plan specifically for you. We understand that people are unique individuals and we make sure you get the individualized treatment that you need and deserve. If you found us online, you most likely saw that we have over 370 five-star reviews from our past patients. People just love coming here and feel like they get better just by walking through the door!

How a Holistic Chiropractor can improve your health

Proper alignment of your spine helps reduce neck pain. Chiropractic adjustments have shown to improve flexibility, muscle strength, range of motion, and overall neurological health.

  • Increase mobility in your spine

Mobility in your spine is vital for your overall health. Your spine protects your spinal cord and the nerves that come out send messages to your body and brain. Decreased mobility in your spine can lead to many aches, pains, and other health issues.

Tension headaches and migraines can be caused by incorrect alignment of your spine. Upper cervical chiropractors are experts in adjusting your neck precisely and accurately. Most chronic headaches and migraines stem from lack of motion within the upper part of your neck known as the upper cervical spine, specifically known as your atlas and axis. This is known as an atlas subluxation.

  • Improve sleep

Many people report better sleep after getting adjusted. This is because adjustments allow the body to relax and restore. Many times people can’t sleep because of an overactive nervous system. Once misalignments are corrected, your body is able to heal, and therefore sleep is usually improved.

  • Improve brain fog

Brain fog is caused by improper impulses of nerves to the brain. Chiropractic adjustments allow correct information from the body to the brain therefore making you sharper and less foggy.

  • Increase overall energy

Given how many other benefits chiropractic care has for well-being, it is no surprise that it boosts energy and an overall feeling of wellness. Regular visits to the chiropractor can improve the body’s adaptability and can elevate your overall energy levels.

  • Improve posture

Many times poor posture is caused by stuck joints. Chiropractic adjustments put motion within these joints to allow proper alignment and therefore help posture. Poor posture is common as people are on their phones and computers frequently. When your head is too far forward, it causes a lot of stress on your neck, which may then lead to pain and dysfunction.

In Conclusion

A holistic approach is a long lasting solution. If you are dealing with a health issue like neck pain, headaches, back pain, or vertigo we would love to help you get better. Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder is a holistic chiropractic clinic focused on your nervous system and overall well-being. We have over 15 years of helping people overcome chronic health issues and get back to being themselves. You don’t have to live with a chronic health condition;  you have the capacity to heal and get better! Please call our office and speak directly to one of our doctors at 303-442-5911.