Inherent to our name, Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder, the type of chiropractic care we provide is specific, like something exact. It is no different than seeing a neurologist for memory loss over your general practitioner or seeing an orthodontist to align your teeth over just your regular dentist. Here I am going to outline why you may need a specialist for your chiropractic care and how our care is distinct from a general chiropractor.
Generally, the perception of when to go see a chiropractor is if you have neck or back pain. Many general chiropractors will market to the public in this way because that is what they think people are looking for. There is nothing wrong with this way of thinking, however, it is important to note that not everyone is just looking for their pain to go away, they are looking for a higher quality of life or to be able to function better. It is especially in these circumstances that you’re going to want a specialist to assess you so that they can come up with a specific plan just for you.
In our office, we see a wide range of neurological problems that go beyond just neck or low back pain. Check out our symptoms page, we have had results with patients suffering from conditions such as:
- Headaches and Migraines
- Post-concussion due to head and neck trauma
- Dizziness and vertigo
- Chronic Fatigue
- Insomnia and sleep issues
- Pain tingling and numbness in any part of the body
- Restless leg syndrome
- Allergies
- Seizures
- Multiple Sclerosis
Let me now tell you how we are different than a lot of general chiropractors. We use very specialized nervous system testing in our office, such as infrared thermography, to determine if there is a problem with the way the nervous system is functioning and if we are even the best-suited practitioner for that person. Every person gets a nervous system scan before and after we make an adjustment. We use digital, laser aligned, biomechanical X-Rays to find the exact way we need to adjust someone in order to have the greatest impact on their health, there is no guesswork happening here!
Finally, we specialize in an area of the spine called the upper cervical spine because it is the most neurologically and biomechanically complex area in the entire spine. We spend countless hours learning about that one part of the spine because we know that an adjustment, when given at the right time, and in the right place, in this area, can change someone’s life.
If you are experiencing health issues that you are not seeing the results that you would like through traditional chiropractic, it may be time for you to see a specialist. Fill out the form below, to have one of our specialists contact you to set up a complimentary consultation to see if a dysfunction in your nervous system is your primary issue. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. To learn more about our practice, click here.
About Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder
At Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder we are not only concerned about your symptoms, but also you as a person and what is important to you. We know that not everyone’s the same and not everyone has the same goals. It is important to us that we present a chiropractic care plan that works for you and is tailored to you and your health concerns.
We’re a specialty Boulder Chiropractor focused on back pain, neck pain, vertigo, and migraine headaches. Our patients visit our Boulder office from all over Northern Colorado, including, Longmont, Erie, Superior, Lafayette, Niwot, Louisville, Broomfield, and Denver, Colorado.
Contact Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder today to schedule a free evaluation. Specialized upper cervical chiropractic care is by no means a “hail Mary” solution, but if you haven’t yet seen Dr. Bremner, you’re nowhere close to running out of options.

Schedule your FREE 15 minute consultation with Atlas Chiropractic
At Atlas Chiropractic, our Greater Boulder area chiropractors specialize in providing relief for individuals experiencing back, neck, or shoulder pain, as well as those dealing with headaches or vertigo. We offer specialized chiropractic care and tailored spinal adjustments, along with expert opinions and advice.