Many people think Chiropractic is only for back pain.  In fact, when I tell people that I am a chiropractor in Boulder they usually say something like, “oh man, can you help me with my back pain?”  It is true, chiropractic is great for back pain, but did you know that it can help with so much more? Our goal is to find the root cause of your problem, not merely cover up the symptoms.

You are having symptoms because of one or two reasons.

Reason 1: You’re deficient in something

Reason 2: You need to get rid of something. I can promise your body is not deficient in: influoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil) or sertraline (Zoloft) . The body does not need it, although it may have difficulty getting rid of it. The recipe for complete health is very simple. The human body needs five things: proper nutrition, adequate exercise, enough sleep, a positive mental attitude, and a proper functioning nervous system. A properly functioning nervous system is what we are experts in.

The first thing you need to know is there are different types of chiropractic.  Much like medical doctors, chiropractors can specialize in different areas. Some chiropractors in Boulder specialize in Sports, pediatrics, or neurological based conditions.

Here at Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder, we specialize in neurological based conditions, which is why we are able to help people with anxiety.

Let me explain:  Our office is very different than what probably comes to mind when you think of a “traditional” chiropractic office.  

  • We use an objective measurement to measure your brain function called computerized infrared thermography
  • We use bio-mechanical x-rays to see where you need to be adjusted
  • We only adjust you when you need to be adjusted. Our whole goal is to get you to a point where you don’t need to be adjusted anymore.
  • We only adjust you at the top of the neck.  This is how we are able to affect the brain.  You have these receptors that send input to the brain at the top of your neck.  An adjustment will fire these receptors and reset the brain. Much like resetting a computer that is running too many programs.
  • We have specific tailored plans for every individual in the office.


One of the most common phrase we here in the office is “that just makes a whole lot of sense”

Does it make sense to you?  Can you see if your brain isn’t functioning properly that you could have anxiety?  Does it make sense that medication could never “heal” you if the problem is bio-mechanical?

We help people all the time who are suffering from anxiety.  But we understand that you may be a little skeptical because you have tried many different things to get better with little to no results.  To make sure our office is a good fit for you I would like to offer you a complimentary, no risk consultation. All you have to do is fill out the web form below or call our office at 303-442-5911.  One of our doctors will talk with you and set up a consultation for you to see what we do here. Sound fair enough? I hope to see you in the office real soon.

About Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder
At Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder we are not only concerned about your symptoms, but also you as a person and what is important to you. We know that not everyone’s the same and not everyone has the same goals. It is important to us that we present a chiropractic care plan that works for you and is tailored to you and your health concerns.

We’re a specialty Boulder Chiropractor focused on back pain, neck pain, vertigo, and migraine headaches. Our patients visit our Boulder office from all over Northern Colorado, including, Longmont, Erie, Superior, Lafayette, Niwot, Louisville, Broomfield, and Denver, Colorado.

Contact Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder today to schedule a free evaluation. Specialized upper cervical chiropractic care is by no means a “hail Mary” solution, but if you haven’t yet seen Dr. Bremner, you’re nowhere close to running out of options.