Since living in Boulder, I have been surprised by the amount of people I have met who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Moving from California, I did not see the same numbers of people with this condition. This led me to ask, “Why would people in Boulder have fibromyalgia more often than people in Northern California? Both populations are not only health conscious, but active as well.” I was surprised at the lack of detailed information when it comes to fibromyalgia. No one in the medical world seems to really have a handle on what is causing it, or really how to manage a patient with this diagnosis.
Fibromyalgia is an illness that involves overactive nerves. When nerves fire too often, they cause the sufferer pain. The actual sensation of pain is an electrical signal sent from the body to the brain. It would make sense for this to occur if you were to stub your toe into the door frame. It is something we have all experienced, and it makes total sense. And thinking back to that moment when you stubbed your toe, pain didn’t happen immediately; you could almost count to 4 before you experienced that signal. But it does NOT make sense for pain to be present in everyday activities like gardening, sitting at your desk, or with the changing weather.
So, how do we go about helping someone suffering from fibromyalgia? Like was mentioned above, there is a problem with how the brain and body are sending messages, leading to pain when there really shouldn’t be any. This is exactly the type of problem we work with in the office every single day. In fact, we have helped those suffering from fibromyalgia right here in Boulder for years. Listen to some of their stories below. If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia because of: chronic fatigue, pain, poor balance or coordination, trouble concentrating, sensitivity to light or sound, depression or anxiety, PMS, trouble sleeping, or weight changes please get in contact with us. Remember, your current state of health does NOT dictate your future.
About Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder
At Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder we are not only concerned about your symptoms, but also you as a person and what is important to you. We know that not everyone’s the same and not everyone has the same goals. It is important to us that we present a chiropractic care plan that works for you and is tailored to you and your health concerns.
We’re a specialty Boulder Chiropractor focused on back pain, neck pain, vertigo, and migraine headaches. Our patients visit our Boulder office from all over Northern Colorado, including, Longmont, Erie, Superior, Lafayette, Niwot, Louisville, Broomfield, and Denver, Colorado.
Contact Atlas Chiropractic of Boulder today to schedule a free evaluation. Specialized upper cervical chiropractic care is by no means a “hail Mary” solution, but if you haven’t yet seen Dr. Bremner, you’re nowhere close to running out of options.

Schedule your FREE 15 minute consultation with Atlas Chiropractic
At Atlas Chiropractic, our Greater Boulder area chiropractors specialize in providing relief for individuals experiencing back, neck, or shoulder pain, as well as those dealing with headaches or vertigo. We offer specialized chiropractic care and tailored spinal adjustments, along with expert opinions and advice.